Welcome to Southern California Prosthetic’s Resources Page! It is our desire to provide a place where our patients and others in the amputee community can not only explore the latest happenings in the SCP community, but also be able to find helpful books and websites outside of our offices. We hope that you will find this to be a helpful and informative resource.
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Our affiliate and sister location in Florida ---- Prosthetics & Orthotic Association ---- is a company that specializes in engineering and fitting high-performance prostheses that support active lifestyles.
How to Get a Service Dog: A Definitive Guide
If you’ve ever had a dog, you probably already know how great they are at providing companionship and emotional support. For people with disabilities, a service dog can make life much safer and more comfortable. However, many people wonder how to get a service dog and if they qualify.
The Top 3 Challenges to Finding a Babysitter for Your Special Needs Child — and How to Overcome Them
Home Remodeling and Modifications for People with Special Needs: Making home modifications for people with special needs is a federal right for anyone that qualifies as disabled. According to the federal Fair Housing Act and Fair Housing Amendments Act, homeowners can remodel their homes as they need.
Disability Etiquette: How to Respect People with Disabilities
People who have never interacted with a person who has a mental or physical disability may think of the exchange as intimidating or nerve-wracking. They might worry what to talk about or how to avoid staring. These concerns are understandable, but it’s important to realize people with disabilities should be treated the same as everyone else.
Accessible Backyards: Helping All Your Guests Enjoy Your Backyard's Bounty. As a general rule, most of us don’t give a second thought to accessibility if we don’t have a disability.
How Does Acquiring a New Disability Affect Mental Health?
A newly-acquired disability — or the diagnosis of a previously unidentified chronic condition — represents a tremendous life change, one that can be very isolating.
The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is a national, non-profit amputee consumer educational organization representing people who have experienced amputation or are born with limb differences.
Disabled Sports USA – a national nonprofit organization established in 1967 by disabled Vietnam veterans to serve the war injured. DS/USA now offers nationwide sports rehabilitation programs to anyone with a permanent disability. Disabled Sports USA and Adaptive Sports USA have since merged to become Move United.
Angel City Sports offers a year-round schedule of introductory adaptive sport clinics, giving athletes opportunities to participate, learn and train in a variety of sports. They have added new sport clinics and competitions including Archery, Swimming, Wheelchair Tennis, Track & Field, and Wheelchair Basketball. They're building an inventory of Adaptive Sports equipment to be loaned or rented to other programs and individuals who want to get into the game.
The O&P EDGE has been the industry’s leading and most-read publication among O&P professionals since 2002. We deliver an in-depth look at every aspect of the industry, building on the past and looking toward the future.
The Amputee Golfer Magazine, the voice of the National Amputee Golf Association (NAGA), features a wide variety of articles of interest to amputee golfers of all ages and ability levels.
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists is dedicated to promoting professionalism and advancing the standards of patient care through education, literature, research, advocacy and collaboration.
From persons who are newly disabled to those born with a disability; Disabled World provides a free Disability Community, resources, information, and assistance. Read recent news and laws relating to disability issues worldwide or browse the Editorial Views and opinions in regards to health, health care, and disability news topics.
Reporting Abuse or Neglect of an Older Adult or Adult with a Disability
A Guide to Car Accessibility and Modifications for Drivers With Disabilities:
Driving can be an obstacle for people with disabilities, but knowing your options for car accessibility modifications can help you navigate this challenge.